Original source : http://newslite.tv
Posted : October 2012
Author : the admin

A study by leading British body language expert, Robert Phipps has revealed the position we sleep in reflects our mood, stress level and even personality. The research, which was carried out for budget hotel chain Premier Inn, found the most common way of sleeping, The Foetal position (58%), reflects subconsciously trying to de-stress in our sleep. The Log, the second most common sleeping position (28%) sees people sleep with their arms and legs by their side, with the report stating that such a rigid position can lead to individuals being very stubborn and set in their ways.
Despite, over half of the nation sleeping in a way that shows they are stressed, a quarter say they sleep on their side with their arms stretched out, dubbed The Yearner, meaning they're constantly on the hunt for new challenges to try and reach for their dreams. Not only are our sleeping positions revealing we are stressed, but also that we are anxious and feeling out of control, with 17% saying they sleep on their front with their arms above their head in The Freefaller.

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