Original source : http://english.pravda.ru
Posted : July 2013
Author : Mirella Ionta

We have all heard about human experiments. Just search under the key words "human experiment" on Google Search Engine and surely you will find the top ten list of the most cruel research studies of the 1900s, some of which attached a medical rhetoric rationalizing their scientific value, while others were shamelessly performed in times of war and hatred. From the infamous concentration camp infernos of the Nazi Germans to The Monster Study, an experiment conducted on twenty-two orphan children in Iowa in 1939, to the Poison Laboratory of the Soviets secret services, known as The Chamber to Unit 731, a bio-chemical warfare unit of the Imperial Japanese Army existing in the pause between the two World Wars, disturbing images and reports of the vivisection of pregnant women and the barbaric treatment of human subjects continue to haunt the credibility of both the medical community and governmental organizations. 

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